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Monday-Friday, Treatment hours vary due to number of patients on treatment.

Front Desk Reception: 615-716-4747
If calling after hours, please listen carefully to the on-call service options.

In the case of a medical emergency, please dial 911.

We kindly request that you provide 24 hours’ notice if you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment. This will allow other patients the opportunity to have their treatments.

Monday – Friday, five days per week, unless otherwise noted by your physician. The total number of days depends on your treatment plan determined by your Doctor.

We do close for major holidays but all missed treatments will be made up.

The first treatment can take up to an hour. After that, it generally takes about 30-35 minutes. The actual time the machine is delivering the proton therapy beam is generally less than one minute.

Please plan to be here at the center about 45 minutes to one hour each day. This will allow for some waiting time prior to being called for treatment, time to change into a gown, and seeing the doctor (one day each week).

Your Radiation Therapists will discuss with you proposed daily scheduling while you are on treatment and can handle any daily scheduling issues or changes that may need to be considered. Please leave a cell or alternate number with us, so that if we are experiencing delays, we will be able to contact you.

At this appointment, a CT scan will be done of the area to be treated which will
be used to design your treatment plan. You will be positioned daily in the same manner as you will be treated in, so if you are uncomfortable or in pain, please
let the therapist know so that adjustments can be made. During this appointment, your therapist will place ink marks on your skin or tattoos to align you for treatment each day. An immobilization device or bolus material may be used or created at the time of your CT/Simulation.

Additional scans, (e.g., PET, MRI) may also be required for planning, as determined by your physician. Before your simulation you will be asked to sign a consent for the radiotherapy.

This consent will explain to you what area of your body will be treated, the side effects that sometimes develop with your specific treatment and it confirms that you understand what the doctors said to you. When you sign this consent, you are agreeing to have radiotherapy.

An immobilization device is used to assist in positioning you for your treatments. It may be custom made for you and could include casts, molds, or headrests. These devices will be selected and constructed at the beginning of the CT/Simulation. They will help to ensure that you remain in the same position comfortably during your treatments. The same immobilization devices will be used during the CT/ Simulation as during your daily treatments.

Please allow approximately one hour for the first marking appointment. During the marking, you may have to stay in one position for an extended period of time without moving.

Important: If you need pain medication, please take it before you arrive so that the medication will be in effect while you are on the table. This is true for regular treatment appointments as well. Bring additional medication if needed for “breakthrough” pain.

Your CT/Simulation may be scheduled either at the time of your consultation or on a subsequent day. If done subsequently, you will receive a phone call from one of our team members within a week to schedule your marking appointment. Any special questions or considerations can be handled when you speak with them. If you do not hear from us within a week, please call 615-716-4747.

After the CT, the Dosimetrist, Physician and Physicist will work together to create and verify a treatment plan that is specific for you. Accuracy is very important, so this process can take several days to a couple of weeks to complete. Before you leave from your marking appointment, you will be given an estimated treatment start date. A Radiation Therapist will call to confirm your start date and time.

You will enter the reception area and scan your patient badge, which notifies the therapists that you are here. Please wait in the lobby area until you are called back for treatment. We will inform you of any delays, but if you feel you have been waiting longer than usual, please inquire with the Registration Coordinator.

Treatment itself is painless and fast, however, you may be in the treatment room about 30-35 minutes as the therapists will need time for patient and equipment set-up. You will be required to lie completely still during the treatment but if you are uncomfortable, please inform the radiation therapist. They will make you as comfortable as possible without jeopardizing the accuracy of your treatment. The radiation therapist uses special imaging before starting your treatment to ensure you are in the correct position.

The therapists step out of the room when you receive treatment, but they can see and hear you at all times on the monitor.

Treatments are given five days a week, with weekends off, for the duration of four to eight weeks. In most cases, you will be treated around the same time every day.

You should always try and keep your appointments. However, if you cannot come in please call the front desk as soon as you can. If you need to come in for an unscheduled visit, please call us first. This helps us plan for you and may shorten your waiting time.

If you are sick, your nurse can assess the situation quickly, so you will receive the help that you need.

If you cannot come in for personal reasons, your therapist will cancel your appointment for that day and plan to make up your missed treatment. We expect to see you every day and if you do not show up for treatment, we become concerned and will attempt to contact you.

If you experience any skin irritation during your course of treatment, please talk to your nurse or radiation therapist. The use of some products may contribute
to or worsen skin irritation, so it is best to ask before using. Some general recommendations include avoiding deodorants that contain aluminum, products containing alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide. We recommend the use of Aquaphor, aloe, and Eucerin.

It is very important that you see your doctor at least once a week. The doctor has a designated day to see his patients each week and it will typically be seen after your treatment for the day. A family member or friend may join you if you wish. The day may change if the doctor is off or not available on the scheduled day. The staff will keep you informed of any changes. This is also the best time to ask for refills on your medications if needed.

Please note that narcotics or pain medication may require a new prescription each time a refill is needed. If you call us for a narcotic or pain medicine refill, this process may require 24 hours, as the nurse will need to speak with your physician first. Please notify your nurse as soon as possible if refills are needed.

There is some flexibility in seeing your doctor, as he or she is often available more than once a week. Please let the nurse or therapists know if you are having any problems and they can advise you on what to do, or let you see the doctor. A doctor is always available for problems when needed.